How to Read SherloQ™'s Daily Intelligence Report to Improve On-Site SEO

SherloQ™, powered by IBM Watson, is remarkably easy to install onto your website; as long as you have a Google Tag Manager (GTM), you can install SherloQ™. Once running, SherloQ™ makes it easy to perform ongoing SEO for your website, giving you unique insights into what your customers are actually searching for.

Let’s examine this by using SherloQ™’s daily Intelligence Report.

The example below is for one our clients operating in the personal injury law vertical.

Intelligence Report

First, let’s look at the “Watson Thinks” category. In this case, it states “car accident,” so it’s a good guess that these keywords can be implemented on a car accident page.

The next area of interest is the “Search Term.” This is the Google Ads generated keyword, provided when available. While this is important when starting out, it’s assumed that most people have these same key terms as they are widely available and only to be used as a starting point. Furthermore, you will notice the “+” symbols. This indicates the actual search term was something else or a combination not disclosed.

Making Your Content Rank & Get a Higher Quality Score

Now look to the section called “Trending Keywords.” This is where your business is able to get an edge and create really useful content. SherloQ™ and the Watson AI extract reliant patterns of words that were used by leads in a technical process call natural language understanding (NLU).

Trending Keywords

In short, these are keywords that can be incorporated into your site pages, creating unique and higher quality content that search engines can more easily find, since your customer are using these words to search. This is very important factor in having a website that ranks organically versus one that does not.

After receiving this Intelligence Report, our client’s agency partner added the terms “back injury,” “neck injury,” and “hospital stay” to the car accident landing page. The result is a better targeted page for potential clients, as well as additional insight into new search terms not already used on the site.

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